The trained staff at Life Choices Clinic understands that receiving a prenatal diagnosis is a very traumatic event for most Parents. We provide a model of care that is comprehensive, trauma informed, and Parent-Centered, with respect and encouragement throughout the pregnancy process and for the first year after the Baby’s birth. We provide connection for Parents as they develop a support network and communicate belonging for their Baby. We will provide education and resources when requested by Parents to help them in their decision-making process. We also help Parents connect with their medical team and assist as they write out a birth plan.
We are affiliated with, and trained by Be Not Afraid, (, who has been supporting parents carrying to term following a prenatal diagnosis for over 14 years. More than 95% of these parents said their communications with their medical team was improved by this partnership and highly recommend this model of care.
We are here to help you. All services are confidential, professional and offered at no cost to you. You can call us at 208-746-9704, text us at 208-816-4421, or connect by filling out the appointment form below.



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