Free Pregnancy Test in Lewiston, Idaho
Verification Ultrasound
At your appointment, you will be provided a lab-quality pregnancy test first. If you have a positive pregnancy test, you will be offered an ultrasound. A free ultrasound can confirm a viable pregnancy and estimate how far along in pregnancy you are.
20-25% of pregnancies end in early miscarriage. That is why it’s important to confirm if your pregnancy is viable.
Do I need an ultrasound before an abortion?
An abortion clinic may or may not offer an ultrasound before an abortion, though sometimes they do. An ultrasound can confirm a viable pregnancy and estimate how far along in pregnancy you are. If you are considering abortion, an ultrasound will provide important information that will tell you more about your options. Abortion costs vary depending on how far along you are and the abortion procedure that you receive. Speak with us today about our free and confidential ultrasound services.
Signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy
- Late or Missed Period
- Nausea and/or Vomiting
- Frequent Urination
- Spotting or Cramping
- Unexplained Fatigue
- Feeling lightheaded or dizzy
- Food Cravings or Aversions
- Increased Sense of Smell
- Darkening of Nipples
- Sore, Swollen, or Itchy Breasts
Having one or all of these symptoms may be an indicator of a pregnancy, but does not necessarily mean you are pregnant. A positive pregnancy test at home may not always be accurate. Women do occasionally experience an inaccurate pregnancy test or the result may be unclear. If you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of pregnancy, schedule a medical quality pregnancy test – at no cost to you.